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An Alternative Investment Fund Manager in Luxembourg.

High-return cash savings

With a net return of 13.25% in 2022, Phocus1 ranks among the best investments for 2023 when compared to stock market indices, which dropped by more than 20% in 2022 before recovering in early 2023.

However, despite this positive point, the economic outlook is challenging, and several unknowns are expected to characterize the future years, including the trajectory of inflation that influences central bank policies.

To achieve this, we rely on macroeconomic data from 2022 and the rise of new investment models.

Inflation creates volatility in currencies. Holding currencies equates to having a global multi-asset portfolio but is still independent of market movements.
By investing in Phocus1 you are not subject to volatility; you are the volatility. By investing in Phocus1, you don’t suffer from inflation; you capitalize on what creates inflation. By investing in Phocus1, you are not affected by economic recession.

You take advantage of the central banks policies to counter inflation.

Find out more and discover our secure high-yield investment.

Our performance engine

The remarkable profitability of Phocus1 is built on an exceptional performance engine, the result of 5 years of research and development.

Alert and information system

1. Screening engine & automated alerts

2. Identification of Low-Strength Signals

3. Focuses on Second-Tier Currencies

Risk Management Framework

1. Trend Adjustment & Position Holding for Impact Reduction

2. Mirror-Based Offsetting & Cash Flow Triangulation

Active Risk Management

1. Profit-Driven Performance

2. Using Leverage on Earned Returns

3. Targeted Loss Risk on Ongoing Profits

4. Capital Loss Mitigation

“I’ve always been passionate about entrepreneurship and dedicated my life to conceptualizing products or services that could make a difference in people’s lives”

Jean-François Chauffeté

What makes currencies the most favorable underlying assetright now?

Achieving a 13.25% net profit for investors in 2022 gives us compelling evidence that Phocus 1 is a prime investment.This helps us mitigate the risks associated with economic fluctuations in western economies for 2023.

Our approach is grounded in 2022's macroeconomic data and innovative investment paradigms.


A favorable tax environment in Luxembourg

Phocus1 is the perfect vehicle for quick capital expansion. The rollover of untaxed annual gains enables you to double your investment at twice the speed compared to France or other countries, where yearly earnings are taxed.



Your investment is structured as shares/units and located in Luxembourg, safeguarding it from confiscation or taxation by failing states.


12/15% Annual ROI

Phocus1 excels in performance making it a perfect choice for additional income.


Optimized Tax Structure

Phocus1 is an AIF (Alternative Investment Fund) structured through a Luxembourg Limited Partnership. The SCS is not subject to annual income tax but to a variable Net Asset Value, allowing taxation only upon exit.

How is Phocus able to deliver strong performance?

Our trading methodology relies on monitoring monetary metrics and macroeconomic trends, with special attention to geopolitical events that induce market stress and fluctuation (e.g., Brexit, the coronavirus crisis, the war in Ukraine).

We excel in performance when the markets are most volatile. We use four key monetary metrics for this: trend, momentum, volume, and volatility indicators.

Before the 2000s, index-based funds were a closely guarded secret in the investment world, consistently outpacing actively managed funds.

Early adopters of this approach saw consistently high returns and some even became industry leaders by creating investment funds based on these new methods.

By creating a fund based on currencies, Phocus1 is democratizing this type of investment, a well-kept secret by banks that make a significant portion of their annual profits from it articles in Les Echos here.

”Through my investment experience, I’ve found that to attain remarkable profitability, you need to be in a remarkable environment. We’ve replicated this environment by amalgamating the performance-driving factors from the top financial actors in the U.S. money market.”


Given its exceptional annual net returns exceeding 10% for investors since its start, Phocus1 naturally falls into the highest risk bracket.

No, we solely use in-house developed alert systems and market notifications. No transactions are automated.

No, because what we call the performance engine is our methodology and our arbitrage techniques. Our goal is to continuously improve them.

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    36 rue de Laborde, 75008 Paris
    11, rue Glesener L-1631 Luxembourg
    + 33 1 40 50 15 00
    + 352 20 60 67 15